

时间 2024年6月2日 预览 36
英文翻译 有关足球(中译英)|帮我翻译15句英语句子,我等等在问题补充里写_英语翻译!!!关于足球!!_把这段文字翻译成英文





Keywords:英文翻译 有关足球(中译英)|帮我翻译15句英语句子,我等等在问题补充里写_英语翻译!!!关于足球!!_把这段文字翻译成英文




赛事: 在线直播 ,热门关注欧洲杯足球输球幽默句子英语翻译,2024欧洲杯直播,提供高清在线免费足球直播,让您尽情感受激烈的比赛现场,全程无插件免费观看直播,为您呈现最热门的在线观看足球赛事!




1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)
In a way, smile can not only make people happy, but also help us solve small problems in our life. That is why we should often smile.

2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很可笑的。 (watch over)
It"s funny to watch over a foorball team communicating by computer language,

3 因特网上有很多有关如何防止计算机免受病毒袭击的网站。 (protect from)
There are many websites about how to protect the computer from being attack by virus.

4 这位机智的足球队员在比赛中向队友发出了传球给他的信号。 (signal)
This clever football player send a signal to his team memeber to pass him the ball.

5 同大多数青年人一样,他喜欢追求时尚(in common with)
6他没有练习,所以,他在这次比赛中失败了 (as a result)
Without practicing, as a result he lost the match.

7 这些花看起来是真的,但是事实上它们是假的 (artificial)
These flowers seem to be true, but in fact they are artificial.

8 这个盒子里总共有十本书,包括三本英语书 (contain)
There are ten books in this box,containing three English books,

9Tom 差点在事故中丢命,幸运的是,最终他脱险了。(in danger of)
Tom was in danger of losing his life. Luckily, he escaped at last.

I will appriciate it if you teach me how to use computer.

We must protect the wildlife from being killed and destroyed.

13Mary非常同情那些在地震中失去家园的人(have mercy on)

14我不知道怎样打发我的业余时间(deal with)
I don"t know how to deal with my spare time.

15你能否在我外出度假的时候帮我照看一下花(watch over)
Can you help me watch over my flowers when I am away on holiday?

》》》》》良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答《《《《《 欢迎追问,满意记得采纳哟 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻


I am from the Chelsea fans, my name is , weeks and the European Champions Cup, I will not miss the competition.Chelsea has a lot of fans in China.Although this season is not yet over, but I have seen a powerful Chelsea encouraging results.Chelsea has one of the world\"s top stars.I prefer the summer transferring to the Shevchenko and Barak, Droba, Lampard, Aixinluo the other.Another god Cheah is quite amazing.Wish him a speedy recovery.Wind restore the former color, the Unstoppable Chelsea, the League Cup or whether the league.Have terrific.I am proud and excited.In addition to a good team with excellent players.Also a very successful coach is a master -- Reorganized Mourinho.I very much appreciate his tactical play and when he was all the rage once the 433 lineup.N

ow that the 422 and 422 double diamond midfield in the way of wing forward.Mourinho consummate expression of love means and superb ability.This is a major attraction in Chelsea.The main reason is my admiration for him.Today Chelsea zenith skelter.I hope the team can maintain the present status quo and smooth operation.In addition, as a team, and no access to the signatures of their favorite teams, even more exciting things.Therefore, I hope that the new season is Chelsea signature cards, in the days ahead, I will continue to care for and support Chelsea.Stamford We support the stars.In addition, Chelsea wish people Merr


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